9th kup, Yellow Tag Quiz


Congratulations, you have achieved 70% or above in this quiz. You passed.

Whoops, more revision needed!!

#1. Where does the blocking hand for inner forearm block start from, on top or underneath?

#2. What is the weight distribution for an ‘L Stance’?

#3. What is ‘Dismissed’ in Korean?

#4. When was Taekwon-Do officially recognised?

#5. What is a reverse technique?

#6. Where does the blocking hand for inner forearm block start from, on top or underneath?

#7. Who was the father and founder of Taekwon-Do?

#8. What does Taekwon-Do mean?

#9. What is Downward kick in Korean?

#10. What are the 5 tenets of Taekwon-Do?

#11. Where does the blocking hand for inner forearm block start from, on top or underneath?

#12. What is the diagram for Chon-Ji?

#13. What is Side kick in Korean?

#14. What is the word for ‘pattern’ in Korean?

#15. What is the weight distribution for an ‘L Stance’?

#16. What is the word for ‘pattern’ in Korean?

#17. What is turning kick in Korean?

#18. What is Downward kick in Korean?

#19. In which country does Taekwon-Do originate?

#20. What is a reverse technique?

#21. What is your belt Kup?
